Easy Ten Lepers Bible Craft for Kids

by Karen & Grace Morris

We will make a flower for the ten lepers Bible craft. And if you scroll down, there is also a bonus craft that has nothing to do with flowers.

Why a flower? Well, almost everyone knows that a rose symbolizes love. But did you know that flowers can represent other ideas? According to the site A to Z Flowers, fifteen different flowers can represent health and nineteen flowers can represent new birth. 

This craft looks something like a daisy, which can symbolize rebirth or new beginnings. Or this craft could represent a cornflower also, called Echinacea, which is for health. 

So using a flower to represent the ten lepers seems appropriate. Lepers in Jewish society were outcasts. So, when Jesus healed, He gave them a new beginning.

The 10 Lepers Flower Craft

flower craft

When Jesus was traveling to Jerusalem, He had to pass through Samaria and Galilee. On the way, ten lepers asked to be healed. Jesus told them to go to the priest because they were cleansed. One man saw that he was healed and turned back and praised God with a loud voice. The man also fell on his face and gave thanks. Jesus asked were not ten healed, where are the other nine? Jesus told the man who was also a Samaritan that his faith has made him whole. You can read the entire story in Luke 17:11-21.

You will need;

  • Construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Round object (optional)
  • Markers or crayons
  • Brad
  • Hole punch
cut a circle and five strips of paper

Cut a 4-inch circle from construction paper. Also, cut five 9 by 1-inch rectangles.

round the ends of the rectangles and add a hole in the center

Then round the ends of the rectangles.

With the hole punch, make a hole in the center of the five rectangles.

add the rectangles to the circle

Push a brad in the center of the circle.

Line up the holes in the rectangles. Place behind the circle and on the prongs of the brad. Open the prongs to secure the rectangles to the circle.

add faces to the rectangles

Fan the rectangles out so that they look like the petals of a flower. With markers or crayons, draw faces on each of the ten rectangles. Make each unique. Add hair or leave others bald. Give beards to some.

Also, number them one to ten. On the number one petal print, “thank you”. 

In the center of the circle, write, "Jesus healed ten lepers" Add Luke 17:14-16 if you want.

Handprint - A Bonus Ten Lepers Bible Craft

handprint for the 10 lepers

Don't want to make a flower? Here is a simple handprint that is easy enough for preschoolers.

The only thing you will need is construction, a pencil, and scissors. Well, markers or crayons would be nice to draw faces on the fingers.

draw your hand

Fold your paper in half. Place your thumb next to the fold. If you also put your first finger next to the fold, you will have an upside-down heart in the center.

Draw the hand on the paper.

cut the shape out and add the details

Cut along your lines. With pens or markers, make faces on the fingers. Write on the palm write, “Jesus healed 10 lepers, one said thank you.”

The ten lepers Bible craft can remind children to give thanks to God and others for good things.

More Jesus Crafts
