Baby Moses Preschool Craft for Your Bible Lesson

by Karen & Grace Morris

This baby Moses preschool craft will be a hit in your Sunday school class.

Depending on the time and the experience of your children, you can cut out some of the items. Such as making the paper plate into a boat. Then cut the strips of paper for weaving. You can also cut different colors of paper for the baby blanket. And cut out baby Moses. 

Then your preschoolers can weave the strips of paper in the boat. They also can wrap baby Moses in his blanket before placing him in the boat. 

You could also download the free baby Moses preschool craft that has all the pieces ready for you to cut out and use. The PDF is available for sale at Teachers Pay Teachers.

The craft goes with the Bible story found in Exodus 1:22 through 2:10. 

Supplies for the Baby Moses Preschool Craft;

  • Paper plate
  • Scissors
  • Construction paper
  • 2 inch round shape
  • Glue stick
cut the paper plate

Mark the center of your paper plate. Draw a line from the edge to the center point. From the center point, draw an angled line approximately 4 1/2 inches from the center to the edged of the plate.

Cut on the line. 

weave in strips of paper

Measure 1 inch from the cut edge and make a line.

Draw lines about 1 inch apart from the bottom edge of the plate and the line you just drew. Cut on the lines.

Cut approximately 1/2 to 3/4 inch strips from colorful construction paper. Weave the strips of paper between the slits on the plate. Glue the edges of the strips to the plate.

make the baby

Use the piece that you cut off from the paper plate to make the baby. Draw two circles that are 2 inches each on top of each other like a snowman. The baby will be approximately 4 inches long.

wrap the baby in the paper blanket

Using your favorite color of construction paper, cut a 5-inch square to make the baby's blanket.

Place the baby on the square of paper. The head should be near one of the points. Fold the bottom point over the bottom of the baby shape.

fold the sides over

Then fold the two sides over the center. Glue the sides in place.

place the baby in the boat

Place the baby behind the cut on the plate and glue it in place.

The next two steps are optional for your students, but will make a cute teaching tool. (see below)

cut a piece of green paper

Cut a piece of green paper approximately 11 1/2 by 4 1/2 inches to represent the reeds in the river.

add the boat to the blue paper

Place the boat with baby Moses on a piece of blue construction paper to represent the Nile river. Then add the strip of green paper.

After your students have made the baby Moses preschool craft, tell them that Moses was found by Pharaoh's daughter. He also lived with his mother for a time before living with the royal family. When he became a man, he led the Hebrews to the promised land.

A Teaching Idea

Here is an idea for teaching the story. Cut out the boat, strips of paper, baby, and blanket. Grab a blue piece of paper for the background piece. Also make the green reeds. (see directions above)

When you are telling about the mother making the boat, weave the strips of paper through the boat. Then fold the paper blanket around the baby. Add baby Moses to the boat. Add the boat to your background piece that represented the river. Finish your story about how the daughter of the pharaoh found the baby and named him Moses because she drew him out of the water.

A Downloadable Baby Moses Preschool Craft

cover of baby Moses PDF

There is an easier way to make the baby Moses Bible Craft.

The PDF is found on my Teachers Pay Teachers store. The PDF has all the pieces that you need.

There is no need to find a round shape to make the baby. Just print and cut it out.

Print the boat on card stock. There is even a colored boat so that you don't have to go looking for brown card stock.

The blanket is also included. Just print it on your favorite colored printer paper.

Be sure to save the scraps from the blanket page so that you can make your strips to weave in the boat.

The story of baby Moses is also included for your convenience.

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